Workshop with Miranda Brett - Saturday, February 3, 2024
Small Felted Bag Workshop Miranda Brett
Make your own crossbody bag using the technique of wet felting. A good opportunity for beginners to practice layout of fine wool roving around a “resist” and to explore ways to create a clean straight edge on your felt. There will also be the option to add silk fabric remnants and yarn to the surface of your bag prior to fully felting. (Bag handle not included but a cord of your choice can be attached later with the option of further embellishment/embroidery.)
This project is really useful to practice surface designs techniques you may learn in your journey of Felting, is a perfect way to ‘play’ and use up scraps of wool roving/suitable fabric remnants and can be performed easily within a small space ie your caravan kitchen table or on top of an ‘esky’!!!
(PS Hand- made felt is sublime to stich into, embroider to your heart’s content!)
What to bring :
60g wool roving <21 micron and any wool roving scraps
Silk remnants (optional)
Bubble wrap approx. 100cm x 50cm
Painters plastic approx. 100cm x 50cm
Foam roller/pool noodle or wooden dowel (approx. 50cm or longer in length)
Small icecream container
Dishwashing liquid
Bamboo mat (optional)
Fabric scissors
Rubber band – large, at least 2
Old Towels x 2
Pen and notebook to write notes
(I will bring a variety of yarn, silk remnants and resist template for each participant)
The cost for attending the workshop is $60.
Payment should be made by Direct Debit:
Victorian Feltmakers Inc.
BSB 033120
Account No. 111910
Please make sure your surname and "workshop" are included in the transaction.